Facebook Automotive
Inventory Ads

Automating your facebook advertising
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Laser targeted advertising

The automotive industry like most, is a competitive one. Marketing across a multitude of different channels is saturated by advertising - a lot of which is poor, with little to no return on investment. So, how do you ensure you stand out from the noise and reach the right consumers at the right time with the right message on the most used social media platform? Data ... 

By leveraging powerful data, pulled from your marketing channels, we generate laser targeted facebook ads that push relevant inventory to prospective clients, ensuring low cost per clicks and high conversion rates.

Facebook Automotive Inventory Ads is just one of the services we deliver which is part of a much bigger holistic approach to marketing that focuses on an omnichannel strategy.


How Facebook influences consumer purchasing behaviour


find social media useful when deciding on new car purchases


have shared auto-related content with their network on social media


assess new car purchases on the Facebook family of apps


of users in a study actively browsed Facebook while researching cars

Source: Facebook IQ

The automotive path to purchase


Let's get the tyres rolling, shall we?

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